callhorizons module

Please note that CALLHORIZONS is not maintained anymore. Please use [astroquery.jplhorizons]( instead, which will be maintained in the future and offers additional functionality. I apologize for any inconvenience.

CALLHORIZONS - a Python interface to access JPL HORIZONS ephemerides and orbital elements.

This module provides a convenient python interface to the JPL HORIZONS system by directly accessing and parsing the HORIZONS website. Ephemerides can be obtained through get_ephemerides, orbital elements through get_elements. Function export2pyephem provides an interface to the PyEphem module.

michael.mommert (at), latest version: v1.0.5, 2017-05-05. This code is inspired by code created by Alex Hagen.

  • v1.
  • v1.0.5: 15-epoch limit for set_discreteepochs removed
  • v1.0.4: improved asteroid and comet name parsing
  • v1.0.3: ObsEclLon and ObsEclLat added to get_ephemerides
  • v1.0.2: Python 3.5 compatibility implemented
  • v1.0.1: get_ephemerides fixed
  • v1.0: bugfixes completed, planets/satellites accessible, too
  • v0.9: first release
class callhorizons.query(targetname, smallbody=True, cap=True, nofrag=False, comet=False, asteroid=False)[source]

Bases: object

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'query': <property object>, 'fields': <property object>, 'set_epochrange': <function query.set_epochrange>, 'iscomet': <function query.iscomet>, 'get_elements': <function query.get_elements>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'query' objects>, '__str__': <function query.__str__>, 'isorbit_record': <function query.isorbit_record>, 'parse_comet': <function query.parse_comet>, '__module__': 'callhorizons', 'parse_asteroid': <function query.parse_asteroid>, 'get_ephemerides': <function query.get_ephemerides>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'query' objects>, '__getitem__': <function query.__getitem__>, 'dates_jd': <property object>, 'isasteroid': <function query.isasteroid>, 'export2pyephem': <function query.export2pyephem>, '__doc__': None, 'dates': <property object>, '__len__': <function query.__len__>, 'set_discreteepochs': <function query.set_discreteepochs>, '__init__': <function query.__init__>, '__repr__': <function query.__repr__>})

provides access to query data

Parameters:key – str/int; epoch index or property key
Returns:query data according to key
__init__(targetname, smallbody=True, cap=True, nofrag=False, comet=False, asteroid=False)[source]

Initialize query to Horizons

  • targetname – HORIZONS-readable target number, name, or designation
  • smallbody – boolean use smallbody=False if targetname is a planet or spacecraft (optional, default: True); also use True if the targetname is exact and should be queried as is
  • cap – set to True to return the current apparition for comet targets
  • nofrag – set to True to disable HORIZONS’s comet fragment search
  • comet – set to True if this is a comet (will override automatic targetname parsing)
  • asteroid – set to True if this is an asteroid (will override automatic targetname parsing)



returns total number of epochs that have been queried

__module__ = 'callhorizons'

returns brief query information


returns information on the current query as string


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


returns list of epochs that have been queried (format ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS’)


returns list of epochs that have been queried (Julian Dates)

export2pyephem(center='500@10', equinox=2000.0)[source]

Call JPL HORIZONS website to obtain orbital elements based on the provided targetname, epochs, and center code and create a PyEphem ( object. This function requires PyEphem to be installed.

  • center – str; center body (default: 500@10 = Sun)
  • equinox – float; equinox (default: 2000.0)

list; list of PyEphem objects, one per epoch

>>> import callhorizons
>>> import numpy
>>> import ephem
>>> ceres = callhorizons.query('Ceres')
>>> ceres.set_epochrange('2016-02-23 00:00', '2016-02-24 00:00', '1h')
>>> ceres_pyephem = ceres.export2pyephem()
>>> nau = ephem.Observer() # setup observer site
>>> nau.lon = -111.653152/180.*numpy.pi
>>> = 35.184108/180.*numpy.pi
>>> nau.elevation = 2100 # m
>>> = '2015/10/5 01:23' # UT
>>> print ('next rising: %s' % nau.next_rising(ceres_pyephem[0]))
>>> print ('next transit: %s' % nau.next_transit(ceres_pyephem[0]))
>>> print ('next setting: %s' % nau.next_setting(ceres_pyephem[0]))

returns list of available properties for all epochs

get_elements(center='500@10', asteroid=False, comet=False)[source]

Call JPL HORIZONS website to obtain orbital elements based on the provided targetname, epochs, and center code. For valid center codes, please refer to


center – str; center body (default: 500@10 = Sun)


int; number of epochs queried

>>> ceres = callhorizons.query('Ceres')
>>> ceres.set_epochrange('2016-02-23 00:00', '2016-02-24 00:00', '1h')
>>> print (ceres.get_elements(), 'epochs queried')
The queried properties and their definitions are:
Property Definition
targetname official number, name, designation [string]
H absolute magnitude in V band (float, mag)
G photometric slope parameter (float)
datetime_jd epoch Julian Date (float)
e eccentricity (float)
p periapsis distance (float, au)
a semi-major axis (float, au)
incl inclination (float, deg)
node longitude of Asc. Node (float, deg)
argper argument of the perifocus (float, deg)
Tp time of periapsis (float, Julian Date)
meananomaly mean anomaly (float, deg)
trueanomaly true anomaly (float, deg)
period orbital period (float, Earth yr)
Q apoapsis distance (float, au)
get_ephemerides(observatory_code, airmass_lessthan=99, solar_elongation=(0, 180), skip_daylight=False)[source]

Call JPL HORIZONS website to obtain ephemerides based on the provided targetname, epochs, and observatory_code. For a list of valid observatory codes, refer to

  • observatory_code – str/int; observer’s location code according to Minor Planet Center
  • airmass_lessthan – float; maximum airmass (optional, default: 99)
  • solar_elongation – tuple; permissible solar elongation range (optional, deg)
  • skip_daylight – boolean; crop daylight epoch during query (optional)

int; number of epochs queried

>>> ceres = callhorizons.query('Ceres')
>>> ceres.set_epochrange('2016-02-23 00:00', '2016-02-24 00:00', '1h')
>>> print (ceres.get_ephemerides(568), 'epochs queried')
The queried properties and their definitions are:
Property Definition
targetname official number, name, designation [string]
H absolute magnitude in V band (float, mag)
G photometric slope parameter (float)
datetime epoch date and time (str, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
datetime_jd epoch Julian Date (float)
solar_presence information on Sun’s presence (str)
lunar_presence information on Moon’s presence (str)
RA target RA (float, J2000.0)
DEC target DEC (float, J2000.0)
RA_rate target rate RA (float, arcsec/s)
DEC_rate target RA (float, arcsec/s, includes cos(DEC))
AZ Azimuth meas East(90) of North(0) (float, deg)
EL Elevation (float, deg)
airmass target optical airmass (float)
magextinct V-mag extinction due airmass (float, mag)
V V magnitude (comets: total mag) (float, mag)
illumination fraction of illuminated disk (float)
EclLon heliocentr. ecl. long. (float, deg, J2000.0)
EclLat heliocentr. ecl. lat. (float, deg, J2000.0)
ObsEclLon obscentr. ecl. long. (float, deg, J2000.0)
ObsEclLat obscentr. ecl. lat. (float, deg, J2000.0)
r heliocentric distance (float, au)
r_rate heliocentric radial rate (float, km/s)
delta distance from the observer (float, au)
delta_rate obs-centric radial rate (float, km/s)
lighttime one-way light time (float, s)
elong solar elongation (float, deg)
elongFlag app. position relative to Sun (str)
alpha solar phase angle (float, deg)
sunTargetPA PA of Sun->target vector (float, deg, EoN)
velocityPA PA of velocity vector (float, deg, EoN)
GlxLon galactic longitude (float, deg)
GlxLat galactic latitude (float, deg)
RA_3sigma 3sigma pos. unc. in RA (float, arcsec)
DEC_3sigma 3sigma pos. unc. in DEC (float, arcsec)

True if targetname appears to be an asteroid.


True if targetname appears to be a comet.


True if targetname appears to be a comet orbit record number.

NAIF record numbers are 6 digits, begin with a ‘9’ and can change at any time.


Parse targetname as if it were a asteroid.

Returns:(string or None, int or None, string or None); The designation, number, and name of the asteroid as derived from self.targetname are extracted into a tuple; each element that does not exist is set to None. Parenthesis in self.targetname will be ignored. Packed designations and numbers are unpacked.
Example:the following table shows the result of the parsing:
targetname (desig, number, name)
1 (None, 1, None)
2 Pallas (None, 2, Pallas)
(2001) Einstein (None, 2001, Einstein)
1714 Sy (None, 1714, Sy)
2014 MU69 (2014 MU69, None, None)
  1. 6675 P-L
(6675 P-L, 228195, None)
4101 T-3 (4101 T-3, None, None)
4015 Wilson-Harrington (1979 VA) (1979 VA, 4015, Wilson-Harrington
J95X00A (1995 XA, None, None)
K07Tf8A (2007 TA418, None, None)
G3693 (None, 163693, None)
2017 U1 (None, None, None)

Parse targetname as if it were a comet.

Returns:(string or None, int or None, string or None); The designation, number and prefix, and name of the comet as derived from self.targetname are extracted into a tuple; each element that does not exist is set to None. Parenthesis in self.targetname will be ignored.
Example:the following table shows the result of the parsing:
targetname (desig, prefixnumber, name)
1P/Halley (None, ‘1P’, ‘Halley’)
3D/Biela (None, ‘3D’, ‘Biela’)
9P/Tempel 1 (None, ‘9P’, ‘Tempel 1’)
73P/Schwassmann Wachmann 3 C (None, ‘73P’, ‘Schwassmann Wachmann 3 C’)
73P-C/Schwassmann Wachmann 3 C (None, ‘73P-C’, ‘Schwassmann Wachmann 3 C’)
73P-BB (None, ‘73P-BB’, None)
322P (None, ‘322P’, None)
X/1106 C1 (‘1166 C1’, ‘X’, None)
P/1994 N2 (McNaught-Hartley) (‘1994 N2’, ‘P’, ‘McNaught-Hartley’)
P/2001 YX127 (LINEAR) (‘2001 YX127’, ‘P’, ‘LINEAR’)
C/-146 P1 (‘-146 P1’, ‘C’, None)
C/2001 A2-A (LINEAR) (‘2001 A2-A’, ‘C’, ‘LINEAR’)
C/2013 US10 (‘2013 US10’, ‘C’, None)
C/2015 V2 (Johnson) (‘2015 V2’, ‘C’, ‘Johnson’)
C/2016 KA (Catalina) (‘2016 KA’, ‘C’, ‘Catalina’)

returns URL that has been used in calling HORIZONS


Set a list of discrete epochs, epochs have to be given as Julian Dates


discreteepochs – array_like list or 1D array of floats or strings



>>> import callhorizons
>>> ceres = callhorizons.query('Ceres')
>>> ceres.set_discreteepochs([2457446.177083, 2457446.182343])
set_epochrange(start_epoch, stop_epoch, step_size)[source]

Set a range of epochs, all times are UT

  • start_epoch – str; start epoch of the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD [HH-MM-SS]’
  • stop_epoch – str; final epoch of the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD [HH-MM-SS]’
  • step_size – str; epoch step size, e.g., ‘1d’ for 1 day, ‘10m’ for 10 minutes…


>>> import callhorizons
>>> ceres = callhorizons.query('Ceres')
>>> ceres.set_epochrange('2016-02-26', '2016-10-25', '1d')

Note that dates are mandatory; if no time is given, midnight is assumed.